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Honors Program Courses 2024年秋季


课程描述: 全部学分只能在以下一门课程中获得:化学101或化学111. 请注意,化学111的成绩将取代化学101的任何成绩. 化学原理和应用的强化处理. 推荐准备:高中化学课程成绩达到B或更高. Typically Offered: Fall and Spring. *Please note there is no Honors section of CHEM 111L (lab)*


  • CRN – 10726; Section No.30
  • 教授:Jeffrey Cross
  • Schedule: MWF 9:30-10:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Skills and techniques of effective speaking. 


  • CRN – 20981; Section No. 13
  • 教师:Diane Carter
  • Schedule: MW 1:30-2:20 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Fundamental programming constructs, algorithms and problem-solving, fundamental data structures, overview of programming languages, 虚拟机, introduction to language translation, 声明和类型, 抽象机制, object-oriented programming. This course includes a lab.


  • CRN – 27736; Section No. 1
  • 教师: Michael Wilder
  • Schedule: MWF 10:30-11:20 a.m., T 10:30-12:20 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 说明文和议论文写作的应用原则, 包括总结, 批评, 以及文本的合成, and the research essay; emphasis on clear, 简洁的, 和有力的散文. Graded A/B/C/N (repeat)/F.


  • CRN – 15913; Section No. 3
  • 教师:TBD
  • Schedule: MWF 10:30-11:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Intermediate course in the practices of personal and exploratory writing; may include personal narrative and observation, 自传, or extended reflection; special attention to prose style and voice; includes research-based writing.


  • CRN – 15853; Section No. 2
  • 教师: Jennifer Ladino
  • Schedule: TR 2:00 – 3:15 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 反映西方思想文化发展的主要文本, Classical Greece to the Renaissance.


  • CRN – 46058; Section No. 2
  • 教员:Tom Drake
  • Schedule: TR 2:00-3:15 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 进一步研究有效技术沟通的原则和实践. 项目以各种形式教授适合特定话语情况的语气和风格惯例, 包括口语, 写, 视觉, 多媒体类型.


  • CRN – 15840; Section No. 2
  • 教授:奥斯卡·奥斯瓦尔德
  • 时间表:在线
  • 投递方式:网上投递
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Principles of statics with engineering applications; addition and resolution of forces, 向量代数, 瞬间和情侣, resultants and static equilibrium, equivalent force systems, 重心, 重心, free body method of analysis, two- and three-dimensional equilibrium, 桁架, 帧, 和摩擦. Cooperative: open to WSU degree-seeking students.


  • CRN – 44555; Section No. 4
  • 教授:JJ·彼得森
  • Schedule: MWF 10:30-11:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Physical properties of fluids; fluid statics; continuity, 能源, momentum relationships; laminar and turbulent flow; boundary layer effects; flow in pipes, 开放的渠道, 周围的物体. Cooperative: open to WSU degree-seeking students.


  • CRN – 45095; Section No. 3
  • 教员:乌德内·阿德马苏
  • Schedule: MWF 8:30-9:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Contributions to the modern world, to 1650.


  • CRN – 45140; Section No. 2
  • 教授:艾伦·基特尔
  • Schedule: TR 9:30-10:45 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 从漫威到好莱坞,从奇幻到文学,古代神话在现代生活中纵横交错. But what were these myths like in their original form? What role did they play in the ancient world? How can we use them to understand ancient cultures? What lessons and themes can we still apply today? 本课程旨在向学生广泛介绍古代神话. We will dive into all the messy weirdness of ancient mythology, from heroic quests to resurrection stories, to gods behaving very badly. We will explore themes such as human-divine relationships, gods getting angry and punishing people, 起源的故事, 性与神话, 以及通过五个神话文化群体的探索和冒险故事:美索不达米亚人, 埃及人, 希腊人, 罗马人, 和凯尔特人. 然后,您将完成小组研究项目和演讲,重点关注不同的神话文化群体:北欧/日耳曼, 波斯, culture of choice within African or African Diaspora groups, 中国人, 日本, 印度(印度), culture of choice within the Indigenous Americas, 波利尼西亚(夏威夷, 萨摩亚, Māori, 汤加语), and Indigenous Australian.


  • CRN – 46218; Section No. 2
  • 教授:艾莉森·罗伊
  • Schedule: MWF 9:30-10:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 中世纪基督教社会从君士坦丁统治时期的演变. 300) to pontificate of Innocent III (1215), as expressed in monastic and mendicant orders, 十字军东征, 12th-century Renaissance, 和异端. 


  • CRN – 46217; Section No. 2
  • 教授:艾伦·基特尔
  • Schedule: MWF 3:30-4:45 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 这门课程是大一新生和转学优等生的必修课. 它向学生介绍荣誉课程社区,并为他们对课程的学术期望做好准备. 它还为新生提供了一个机会,让他们思考自己对大学教育的期望和目标,并向他们介绍大学里可用的学术和课外资源.


  • CRN – 45118; Section No. 1
  • 教授:奥布里·肖
  • 活动时间:下午4:00-5:50.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:1学分

课程描述: 这所大学荣誉课程是为那些在大学毕业时积极努力完成荣誉论文或荣誉作品集并获得本科学位的荣誉课程的荣誉学生设计的. 本课程旨在帮助学生完成他们的荣誉论文或荣誉作品集的最终作业, i. e., 在每年12月或5月举行的两年一度的荣誉论坛上公开展示他们的论文或作品集.


  • CRN – 44307; Section No. 1
  • 教授:Sandra Reineke
  • Schedule: M 3:30-4:20 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:1学分

课程描述: 这个大学荣誉课程是为那些在大学毕业并完成荣誉课程时积极努力完成荣誉论文或荣誉作品集的荣誉学生设计的. 在研究和撰写他们的荣誉论文或完成他们的荣誉专业组合后, 学生预计将参加440卢比的荣誉演讲课程, usually during their last semester at the University of Idaho, 当他们在每年12月或5月的公共荣誉论坛上展示他们的发现时.


  • CRN – 42277; Section No. 1
  • 教授:Sandra Reineke
  • Schedule: MW 3:30-5:20 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 学生大使是通过申请和面试程序选出的. Students will learn skills in leadership, communication, networking, and public speaking. 学生将负责代表理学院参加各种招聘活动和活动.


  • CRN – 44547; Section No. 2
  • 教授:Roopal Jani
  • 时间安排:下午4:00-4:50.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:1学分

课程描述: Overview of principal UN agencies and current UN activities; emphasis on 写 and oral presentations through resolution and position paper writing, 谈判, and small group discussions.


  • CRN – 39998; Section No. 2
  • 教授:比尔·史密斯
  • Schedule: MWF 8:30-9:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Thermodynamic properties of substances, first and second laws of thermodynamics, 机械工程热成分和循环的热力学分析, 湿度的过程, and introduction to combustion systems. Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.


  • CRN – 43622; Section No. 2
  • 丹·戈登
  • Schedule: MWF 12:30-1:20 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 材料力学接近三维应力和应变, 不对称弯曲, 剪切中心, 弯曲梁, thick-walled pressure vessels, 非圆扭, 能源的方法, and advanced strength theories. Introduction to elementary kinematics. Significant use of solid modeling and use of equation solvers.


  • CRN – 44567; Section No. 2
  • 教师: Robert Stephens
  • Schedule: MWF 9:30-10:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 在稳定和不稳定状态下通过热传导的传输, by free and forced 对流, and by radiation; combined effects of conduction, 对流, 和辐射. Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.


  • CRN – 43712; Section No. 2
  • 丹·戈登
  • Schedule: MWF 1:30-2:20 p.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 通过道德思想的历史研究介绍哲学推理.


  • CRN – 15554; Section No. 8
  • 教师:Casey Johnson
  • Schedule: MWF 9:30-10:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Survey of approaches used to describe and explain conflict and cooperation among states in the international system; special emphasis on games of strategic interaction.


  • CRN – 44552; Section No. 3
  • 教师: Florian Justwan
  • Schedule: MWF 9:30-10:20 a.m.
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 在STAT 301或STAT 416之后,将不授予STAT 251学分, or for STAT 416 after STAT 251 or STAT 301. Intro to statistical methods, including design of statistical studies, 基本抽样方法, 描述性统计, probability and sampling distributions, inference in surveys and experiments, 回归, and analysis of variance.


  • CRN – 38408; Section No. 5
  • 教师:Renae Shrum
  • Schedule: MWF 8:30-9:20 a.m., W 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. (recitation - every other week, dates TBD)
  • Delivery Method: Classroom Meeting
  • 学分:3学分

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MS 2533
