
4 + 1硕士课程

The 4+1 Program creates an opportunity for 365滚球官网 students to earn a master’s degree in a similar field in one year immediately following their undergraduate program.

The 4+1 program will allow students to complete a non-thesis master’s degree with up to 12 credits from their undergraduate work. Six of the credits can be shared or counted on both the Undergraduate and Graduate transcripts, and up to six can be reserved for the Graduate transcript (400 or above and B or better) if the student has earned over the program minimum for the Undergraduate degree.

Students in the 4+1 master’s will be eligible for the regular Undergraduate tuition rate through their first year of graduate school. 课程/实验室/在线费用仍然适用. If the student does 不 complete the master’s degree in one year, subsequent years will be charged regular graduate tuition rate.

The 4+1 program with the tuition benefit is limited to Idaho residents. Non-residents may be eligible for Idaho residency through the pathway which considers students who complete a bachelor's degree at an Idaho institution.


  • 加速进入研究生课程
  • 申请费减免
  • 推荐信豁免
  • 自动放弃GRE
  • Share six credits between the Undergraduate and Graduate transcripts
  • Undergraduate tuition rate for the first year of graduate program
  • Customized accelerated curriculum to complete the degree in one year


  • 大学本科学历
  • 主修相关专业
  • 3.平均绩点(最低)
  • 宗旨声明
  • Idaho residency for tuition purposes at the time you start your graduate program


  • Students earn a master’s degree in 1 year if continuously enrolled after their undergraduate degree
  • 为符合条件的学生提供无缝入学流程. The application fee, letters of recommendation, and the GRE are waived.

U of I undergraduate students in Senior status who are earning a bachelor’s degree qualify. 如欲申请,请 从这里开始. You are also encouraged to reach out to your current academic advisor, the 研究生招生办公室,或 学术项目 你感兴趣吗?.

Your first step when considering a 4+1 Master’s is to talk to your academic advisor. You are also encouraged to connect with the Director of Graduate Studies for the 你感兴趣的研究生课程 to determine which courses you will share between your undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Students in the 4+1 Master’s are 不 eligible for departmental Teaching or 研究 Assistantship (TA/RA) but may apply for other types of scholarship through 金融援助.

If you are 不 able to finish your master’s in 1 year, you can continue taking courses until you complete your graduation requirements. The undergraduate tuition rate only applies to the first year of graduate school so you will be paying graduate fees for the rest of the program. Although you will no longer be eligible for undergraduate tuition, you will be able to earn your degree while studying at you own pace.

One of the requirements for the 4+1 master's is Idaho residency. Students who are non-residents for tuition purposes during their undergraduate studies can become eligible for the accelerated master's if they apply and are approved for Idaho residency. Please find more information on how to qualify on the 以学费为目的的爱达荷州居民 网站.

申请人是  US citizens may apply for Idaho residency for tuition purposes by submitting the 实习工作表. 他们还必须阅读并完成 合法在场证明 to include with their worksheet and documentation.

Even if you are currently enrolled at the U of I and have resided in Idaho for the last year of your undergraduate program, a 实习工作表 is required to determine your in-state residency status. 如果选择途径8, we recommend you wait to submit your residency application until you have completed your undergraduate degree but no later than the first day of your graduate program. Find more information on Idaho residency eligibility.

国际 students could qualify for the 4+1 track when they apply and are approved for Idaho residency for tuition purposes as non-citizens lawfully present in the U.S. 请在网站上找到更多信息 以学费为目的的爱达荷州居民 网站.

4 + 1硕士项目联系人










莫斯科,ID 83843




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