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U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. Login to VandalStar.

Contact Us

Bruce M. Pitman Center, Suite 127

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS-4257
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-6307

Fax: 208-885-9404


Web: 残疾人访问和资源中心

Meet the Staff Map

Bruce M. Pitman Center, Room 056

Physical Address:
CDAR Testing
Bruce M. Pitman Center, Room 056

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS-4257
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-9004


Physical Address:
Student Health Center
Rooms 119-123
831 Ash Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 4257
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-9107


Web: Raven Scholars Program

Meet the Staff Map

Accommodation Resources

作为365滚球官网的教员, 你们在促进残疾学生平等入学方面发挥着重要作用. 您可以通过在课程中创建可访问性来实现这一点, referring students who need accommodations to CDAR and working with students who have accommodations in your courses.

有些住宿需要额外的对话. Resources provided here are meant to help guide faculty through some of those conversations with students. CDAR encourages all faculty to contact our office for clarification or additional recommendations to improve access in their course. 

Accommodation Reference Guide

The University of Idaho is required to provide equal and integrated access to individuals with disabilities to be in compliance with federal law (Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, & the Fair Housing Act). See FSH 6400 for the student accommodation policy.

Accommodations are adjustments or changes designed to provide students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in the university experience through access in courses, programs, activities, or services. Accommodations may adjust policy, structures, timelines, formats, presentation, and more.


  • 学生自认有残疾,需要住宿.
  • CDAR与学生会面,评估学生的资格并分配合理的住宿. 住宿将通过电子邮件通知教师. 
  • 指导老师根据CDAR的要求安排住宿,并与学生一起工作. 
  • Student then communicates with instructor and CDAR regarding accommodation needs and follows instructions for accessing assigned accommodations. 
  • CDAR supports instructors and students throughout semester by providing resources and answering questions. 


CDAR在这里帮助学生和教师找到一个适合每个人的计划. 有时候,某些住宿条件并不适合所有的环境. Consult with CDAR with any concerns.


If a student states they need accommodations due to a disability, refer students to CDAR. 不要在CDAR之外提供住宿(这是为了保护您). 

请透过电邮与该学生联络,并抄送本会(,并重申你会将该学生转介至CDAR. 这提供了学生的披露记录以及您的推荐. 

Sample Email:

Dear Student,
Thank you for speaking with me today. Because you self-identified as having a disability and/or having received disability related accommodations in the past, I wanted to follow up with information about the 残疾人访问和资源中心 here at University of Idaho. 有关申请服务的信息可以在学校网站上找到 . 我也复制了这封邮件中CDAR的Director, 因为你表示有兴趣与CDAR的工作人员交谈. I encourage you to make an appointment to explore the possibility of using accommodations. I hope you find this resource helpful.
Professor X


Refer students to CDAR if you suspect a student may need supports due to a disabling condition. This needs to be done tactfully as you do not want to assume disability or ask if they have a disability (never ask). Tips for referring are to share what you have observed about the student’s academic struggle and include CDAR in a short list of resources for the student, such as Counseling Center, Academic Coaching, and CDAR. For example, “我注意到你很难完成考试, yet according to your assignments, I know you understand the material. You may want to seek assistance from the University's student support services, such as Tutoring & College Success, the Counseling and Mental Health Center and / or the 残疾人访问和资源中心?”


Accommodations are necessary for the student to have equal access to the course and often require adjustments to the way the course is structured or presented. 联系CDAR帮助导航任何挑战,由于具体的住宿.


  • 测试-对环境的调整, time, format, 以及在监考考试和测验中允许使用的资源:通常在CDAR进行.
  • 记笔记-在记笔记过程中提供的服务或辅助技术. 可以包括讲课录音吗, use of electronic devices in class, peer notetaker, and captionists.
  • Attendance-based - Excused absences for disability-related symptoms or medical appointments. 可能包括在截止日期后上交作业的许可.
  • 物理-物理空间的改变是可访问的. May include room relocation, special seating, adaptive equipment, field trip considerations, rest periods, or additional space e.g., for service dog or ASL Interpreters.

Accessible Formatting

Headings and subheadings should be identified as such using the built-in heading features of the authoring tool. Headings should form an outline of the page content (Heading 1 for main heading / roman numerals, 第一级副标题为标题2, Heading 2 for next level, etc.) This enables screen reader users to understand how the page is organized and to quickly navigate to the content of interest. Most screen readers have features that enable users to quickly jump between headings with a single key-stroke.

Content organized as a list should be created using list controls in document authoring software. 大多数软件允许无序(项目符号)或有序(编号)列表. 大多数屏幕阅读器都会显示一个列表和列表中的项目数量. Using list features help screen reader users understand how content is organized and determine if they need to listen to the list or move on to the next item.

Users who are unable to see images rely on alternate text or "alt text" to access the content of an image. Alt text should be succinct, just enough text to communicate the idea without burdening the user with unnecessary detail. Screen readers typically announce the image, so there is no need to include "image of" in alt text. 

大多数创作工具都提供了将所有文本添加到图像中的方法, 通常在添加图像时出现的对话框中, 或者稍后在图像属性对话框中. 

如果图像纯粹是装饰性的,不包含任何信息内容, they do not require a description. 然而,它们可能需要特定的标记,以便屏幕阅读器知道跳过它们. The methods for hiding decorative images from screen reader users is described in more detail in the format-specific pages. 

More complex images, such as charts, graphs, 除了添加Alt文本之外,地图可能还需要额外的步骤.

表对于数据之间的关系通信很有用, especially where those relationships can be best expressed in a matrix of rows and columns. 表格不应该用来控制布局. 创作工具有其他控制布局的方法,包括列和列表.

可访问表的关键是识别行标题和列标题. If there are nested columns or rows, a screen reader will need to be explicitly informed as to which heads relate to which cells. Keep tables simple, 考虑将复杂的表划分为多个较小的表, each with their own heading.

Screen reader software is multilingual and can read content in a wide variety of languages. In order to ensure that screen readers will read a document using the appropriate language profile, 必须确定文件的语言. 

You should also identify the language of any content written in a language other than the documents default language. With this information, screen readers can switch between languages as they read the document. 

大多数创作工具都提供了识别文档语言的方法, 以及语言的具体部分. 

When converting from one file type to another, ensure that accessibility features remain intact. In order for a PDF to be accessible, it must be a tagged PDF, 具有包含本页所述功能的底层结构. 有些创作工具不支持导出为带标签的PDF, 而另一些则提供多种导出为PDF的方法, 产生不同级别的可访问性. See our Creating Accessible Documents in Microsoft Word page for information on creating PDFs in Word.

有些内容很难以一种完全可访问的方式呈现. The following offices at the University of Idaho can assist you in making your material more accessible.

Course Design / Canvas and Ally



Education Building, Suite 220

University Web pages



Chad Neilson





Contact Us

Bruce M. Pitman Center, Suite 127

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS-4257
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-6307

Fax: 208-885-9404


Web: 残疾人访问和资源中心

Meet the Staff Map

Bruce M. Pitman Center, Room 056

Physical Address:
CDAR Testing
Bruce M. Pitman Center, Room 056

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS-4257
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-9004


Physical Address:
Student Health Center
Rooms 119-123
831 Ash Street
Moscow, Idaho

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 4257
Moscow, ID 83844-4257

Phone: 208-885-9107


Web: Raven Scholars Program

Meet the Staff Map