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Satisfactory Academic Progress

Student 金融援助 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

365滚球官网的学生必须保持令人满意的学业进步(SAP)才能获得联邦学生经济援助. 至少, SAP will be reviewed at the end of each spring semester (annual evaluation for all students). 不符合SAP最低要求的学生不再有资格获得第四章HEA计划的援助. 这些学生将按学期进行评估,以确保他们符合有条件复职/缓刑的要求. For purposes of evaluating satisfactory academic progress, the academic year is defined as summer, 秋天, 和春天. T在这里fore, the summer session prior to 秋天 和春天 will be included in the review. 第一次获得经济援助的学生在达到规定的SAP年度评估时间之前,将被视为学术成绩良好.

How to Petition for Reinstatement of 金融援助

Students wishing to appeal their suspension of financial aid should complete a Petition for 金融援助 Reinstatement Form and submit it to the contact listed below under their degree level. 有关学生学业进展的特殊情况将根据个人情况进行审查. 学生经济援助服务主任可以根据该学生的特殊情况恢复该学生的职务.

  • 如果你因为缺少365滚球官网以外的成绩成绩单而被暂停经济援助,因为:出国留学, national student exchange, concurrent agreement with North Idaho College, a consortium agreement with another institution, or a reevaluation of previously submitted transcripts, we will reevaluate your suspension once all final transcripts are received. Students can provide an unofficial grade transcript to Student 金融援助 服务, 加快对你学分的重新评估,如果你符合佩斯的裁决,就取消暂停.
  • If the suspension is due to an incomplete course, your suspension can be reevaluated after the grades have been posted. 这个重新评估可以由学生经济援助服务部门或学院院长办公室根据要求进行审查.
  • If you were suspended during a previous program and graduated, you will regain full eligibility for future financial aid.

Upon receiving a completed Petition for 金融援助 Reinstatement Form from the student, 由于申请表格中详细说明的特殊情况,学生的教务长(或指定人员)可能会建议放弃所有令人满意的学业进步标准. If the petition is denied, 学生经济援助服务主任将审查该建议,并最终决定是否免除该学生的停学资格. 学院和学生经济援助服务主任的决定可以向学生经济援助委员会提出上诉,然后向行政听证委员会提出上诉.

If the petition is granted, 暂停将被取消,所有联邦财政援助/资格将恢复一个学期,除非你的学术计划是经济援助恢复申请表的一部分. You will be notified of any final decision. Your status can be viewed by logging on your VandalWeb under "Student 金融援助 & 奖学金”.


1. Attend Until Aid Eligibility is Regained - Students can attend without financial aid. Progress toward SAP will be evaluated every semester, and once the student meets all SAP requirements aid will be reinstated. Any student who chooses not to attend without financial aid must submit a Petition for 金融援助 Reinstatement form and the embedded Academic Plan (section E) to be considered for future financial aid.

2. Petition for Reinstatement -希望对停学提出上诉的本科生应向其所就读学院的院长办公室提交请愿书. The petition form is available 在这里.

SAP Contacts for 本科 Students

Complete policy for undergraduate students

T在这里 are two possible ways for graduate students to pursue financial aid reinstatement.

1. Attend Until Aid Eligibility Is Gained - 研究生 students can attend without financial aid. 每学期将对SAP的进展进行评估,一旦学生满足所有SAP要求,将恢复援助. Any student who chooses not to attend without financial aid must submit a Petition for 金融援助 Reinstatement form and the embedded Academic Plan (section E) to be considered for future financial aid.

2. Petition for Reinstatement -希望对休学提出上诉的研究生应将请愿书提交到莫里尔厅104室的研究生院, 208-885-2647, or The petition form is available 在这里.

Complete policy for graduate students.

T在这里 are two possible ways for law students to get their financial aid reinstated.

1. Attend Until Aid Eligibility Is Attained — 法律 students can attend without financial aid. Progress toward SAP will be evaluated every semester, and will be reinstated once the student meets SAP requirements. Any student who chooses not to attend without financial aid must submit a Petition for 金融援助 Reinstatement form and the embedded Academic Plan (section E) to be considered for future financial aid.

2. Petition for Reinstatement -法律系学生如欲对停学申请提出上诉,须提交恢复经济资助申请表格,以重新获得经济资助资格

Complete policy for law students

SAP Policies at U of I

Academic Amnesty (Fresh Start)

These types of programs are not exempt from SAP. 如果学生受到SAP的约束,在长时间缺席后返回,并被批准学术特赦, 他们仍然需要完成一份恢复经济援助的请愿书,并需要一份学术计划.

Audit, Nonattendance W, Pass/Fail and Incomplete grades

速度: 以上所有内容将被视为尝试过但未完成的课程作业. This will count towards the denominator of pace calculation.

马克斯: All of the above counted toward max as well.

定性: None of these types of courses would impact the qualitative measurement of SAP.

不完整: 被视为不及格的课程,因为学生有1年的时间从不完整的时间获得一个成绩, which will not align with federally mandated evaluation timelines.

Conditional Reinstatement

经济援助有条件恢复是分配给那些没有取得令人满意的学业进步的学生,他们已经上诉并被批准恢复援助资格. This is also known as being on an academic plan. 有条件复职的豁免期限可以以学生的学院联系人制定的学业计划为限. 如果学生不坚持学业计划,他们可以再次申请复学.

金融援助 Warning

Students are not provided a warning because we accept appeals. 一旦进行年度评估并确认休学,学生将被通知休学,并被告知申请过程.


如果学生在年度评估期间缺少财团/出国留学/NSE成绩单(或类似成绩单), they may be evaluated and suspended for PACE.

Notification of SAP Changes

学生的大学联系人将与学生一起制定学术计划,并通知学生任何建议的经济援助恢复申请豁免的结果. 暂停经济援助的详细名单将被转发给学生所在学院的联系人.


完成其他大学课程并将这些学分转移到我大学的学生将对他们的成绩单进行评估. Any accepted coursework will be applied to the student’s degree program. For purposes of evaluating Satisfactory Academic Progress, 被接受的转学分将被计算为尝试和完成的课程,并添加到每个评估期的学生进度和最大计算中.

Student 金融援助 服务


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心

莫斯科,ID 83844

Student 金融援助 Office
MS 4291
莫斯科,ID 83844-4291

