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University Communications and 市场营销

875 Perimeter Drive MS 3221
莫斯科, ID 83844-3221



电子邮件: uinews@sgmtc678.com

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The Legend of Joe Vandal

Joe's epic journey began in 1956. From the very first papier-mâché head introduced by yell leader Bill Currie, to an inflatable that Vandal 球迷 still love to hate, to his current well-muscled vibe — Joe's been through it all. 赢了, 损失, 对抗, 恶作剧, 球迷, parades and street fairs are at the top of his list of favorite things. The self-proclaimed "Vandal Spirit Superintendent" loves a good practical joke almost as much as he loves Idaho 球迷. He’s outgoing, friendly, active, fun loving and lovable, but mischievous at every opportunity. Joe is immensely proud to be who he is — a Vandal — and proud to represent his beloved university.

Joe stands high above the rest (seriously, he's tall) and is the only Vandal mascot out there — not like those Eagles, 山猫, 伐木工人, 熊和孟加拉虎. Find out where he will be, request an appearance and check out videos, gifs and photos below.


Joe's Letter to Santa


Joe Vandal's Calendar

Joe Vandal Web Request Form


Share your selfies with Joe! Tag #uidaho or 365滚球官网 on your favorite social media.

脸谱网 instagram 推特

Joe Vandal - An Anthology

Jazzy Joe's Holiday Serenade

The Other Half of Joe's Heart



The Night Before Finals

Buddy Joe 探索s Boise




Joe Vandal Shakes It Off


Along with being a well-rounded and experienced athlete-mascot, Joe is skilled in tomfoolery, 恶作剧, crowd merriment and the art of enhancing team spirit. He's a joyful joker who can make children laugh (and cry) and his significant skills include turning adults into children, 清理好, 跳舞, commanding center stage and mischief making.


  • The ultimate multisport year-round athlete at U of I
  • Appears at more than 500 sporting and non-sporting events each year
  • Known for his goofy antics both on and off the field
  • Talents include: Posing for gifs, 跳舞, 迷人的成年人, children and most dogs, escorting 球迷 to their seats, 领先的游行, listening and taking excellent pictures.
  • Performed a daredevil splits stunt involving two semi-trucks in 2013 (不重复)
  • Still the best and only Vandal mascot in the world
  • Hung out with John Friesz, John Yarno and John Smith, 奥运选手丹·奥布莱恩, Hall of Famer Jerry Kramer, Leilani米切尔, 马克Schlereth, 雷麦当劳, 凯利约翰逊, 格斯约翰逊, 凯埃利斯, 迈克Iupati, Tara VanDerveer and President Scott Green.
Joe Vandal sits defeated in front of the hockey goal, with pucks around him on the ice. He wears skates, goalie pads and gloves.
Joe Vandal holds the leash of a small white bulldog in the 莫斯科-Pullman Airport's waiting area.

私人朋友 & 影响

  • Every coach in the athletic department
  • 斯科特·格林总统
  • 的Vandalizers
  • 破坏者精神小队
  • 大号的
  • 汪达尔游行乐队
  • 365滚球官网 Employees
  • 布奇T. 美洲狮

竞争对手 & 敌人

  • 本尼
  • 蒙特
  • 托尔
  • 维克托
  • 路易
  • 冠军
  • 突然袭击
  • All things Bo*se St*te


University Communications and 市场营销

875 Perimeter Drive MS 3221
莫斯科, ID 83844-3221



电子邮件: uinews@sgmtc678.com

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