


莫斯科,ID 83843


电子邮件: ssilflow@sgmtc678.com




University of Idaho (hereinafter “U of I”) is committed to conducting its business affairs in a socially responsible and ethical manner consistent with its educational, 研究和/或服务任务, 保护和维护全球环境. 而伊利诺伊大学相信被许可方也有同样的承诺, U of I has adopted the following 劳动法规标准 (the Code) which requires that all Licensees, 至少, 遵守守则所载的原则.

Throughout the Code the term Licensee shall include all persons or entities which have entered into a written License Agreement to manufacture Licensed Products (as defined in the License Agreement) bearing the names, 大学的标志和标志. 就本守则而言,“被许可方”一词指, 除非本守则另有指明, 包括所有被许可方和承包商, 生产的分包商或制造商, 为消费者组装或包装成品许可产品.

As a condition of being permitted to produce and/or sell licensed products bearing the name, 大学的商标和/或图像, 每个被许可方必须遵守本守则. 如果U (I), 自行决定, 确定任何被许可方未能遵守本守则, then U of I may either terminate its business relationship and License Agreement with the Licensee or require that the Licensee implement a corrective action plan on terms acceptable to U of I.  


Licensees agree to operate work places and contract with companies whose work places adhere to the standards and practices described below. Workplace shall be defined as all manufacturing and residential facilities directly operated by the Licensee or those making products for said Licensees. 伊利诺伊大学希望被许可方超过这些标准.


Licensees must comply with all applicable legal requirements of the country/countries of manufacture in conducting business related to or involving the production or sale of Licensed products or materials bearing the name, 大学的标志和标志. Where there are differences or conflicts with the Code and the laws of the country/countries of manufacture, 以较高的标准为准, 取决于以下考虑因素. 在法律或实践与这些劳动标准相冲突的国家, 被许可方同意与政府协商, 人权, labor and business organizations and take effective actions to achieve full compliance with each of these standards. Licensees further agree to refrain from any actions that would diminish the protections of these labor standards.


Licensees must provide w年龄s and 好处 which 至少 comply with all applicable laws and regulations and match or exceed the prevailing local manufacturing industry practices. 

除非在特殊情况下, employees shall (i) not be required to work more than the lesser of (a) 48 hours per week and 12 hours overtime per week, or (b) the limits on regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country of manufacture; and (ii) be entitled to at least one day off in every 7-day period.

所有加班员工必须自愿加班. 除了正常工作时间的报酬之外, hourly and/or quota-based w年龄 employees shall be compensated for overtime hours at such a premium rate as is legally required in the country of manufacture or, 在那些没有这种法律的国家, 至少是他们正常时薪的1.5倍.

使用童工是不允许的,也不会被容忍. 被许可人不得雇用年龄低于15岁(或14岁)的人, 在哪里, 符合国际劳工组织对发展中国家的做法, 制造国的法律允许这种例外。. Where the 年龄 for completing compulsory education is higher than the standard for the minimum 年龄 of employment stated above, 完成义务教育年龄较高的,适用本条. 被许可方同意与政府协商, 人权和非政府组织采取合理措施, as evaluated by U of I or their designee to minimize the negative impact on children released from employment as a result of the implementation of this code.

强迫劳动的使用, 监狱劳动, 契约劳动, 抵债劳动或其他强迫劳动是不允许的,也不会被容忍.

  1. Licensees must provide workers with a safe and healthy work environment to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, 与, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the operation of Licensee facilities. 此外,被许可人必须遵守以下规定:

    1. The Licensee shall ensure that its direct operations and those of any subcontractors comply with all workplace safety and health regulations established by the national government 在哪里 the production facility is located.

    2. The Licensee shall ensure that its direct operations and subcontractors comply with all health and safety conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) ratified and adopted by the country in which the production facility is located.

任何人在就业方面都不应受到任何歧视, 包括招聘, 工资, 好处, 进步, 纪律, 终止或退休, 以性别为基础, 比赛, 宗教, 年龄, 残疾, 性取向, 国籍, 政治观点, 或者社会或种族出身.

每一位员工都应得到尊严和尊重. No employee shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. 被许可方不得使用或容忍任何形式的体罚.

Licensees shall recognize and respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining of their choice. 任何员工都不应受到骚扰, intimidation or retaliation in their efforts to freely associate or bargain collectively. Licensees shall not themselves prevent or cooperate with those who would prevent workers from organizing for purposes of collective bargaining. 被许可方应允许工会组织者自由接触员工. 被许可人应当承认职工选择的工会.

女职工同工同酬, 包括福利, 平等对待, 平等地评价他们的工作质量, 以及男性员工填补所有职位的平等机会. Pregnancy tests will not be a condition of employment, nor will they be demanded of employees. 休产假的员工不会面临解雇或被解雇的威胁, 丧失资历或扣减工资, 并能回到原来的工作岗位, 或者类似的职位, 工资和福利都是一样的. 员工不会被强迫或施压使用避孕措施. 工人将不会暴露在危险之中, including glues and solvents that may endanger their safety including their reproductive health. Licensees shall provide appropriate services and accommodation to women workers in connection with pregnancy.

被许可方应向U of I或U of I的许可代理披露以下信息.

  1. 制造商信息:在许可协议签署和续签时, upon the selection of any new manufacturing facility which produces Licensed Product(s), 或应要求, 被许可方将披露公司名称, 联系人, 地址, 电话号码, email 地址 and nature of the business association for all such facilities which produce Licensed Products(s);
  2. Verification: It shall be the responsibility of Licensees to ensure their compliance with the Code.



莫斯科,ID 83843


电子邮件: ssilflow@sgmtc678.com
