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Human Resources

Physical Address:
415 West 6th Street
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 4332
Moscow, ID 83844-4332

Summer Hours:
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Academic Year Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-3638

Fax: 208-885-3602



Supervisor Information on Job Families

As job families roll out, 员工主管将开始使用新的职位描述模板,并将现有员工迁移到新系统中. 在新推出的工作类别中,新职位和空缺职位都需要使用新模板. Please see the job families page for general information on job families and adoption timelines.

Over the coming months, 将为受每个工作家庭收养影响的主管和雇员举行专门的信息会议. 招聘协调员也将接受培训,学习如何在PeopleAdmin中使用新的职位描述.

As you adopt and use job families, please submit feedback. 所有模板将至少每年进行一次循环审查,反馈将用于通知未来的修订.

Once a job family has been rolled out, you will use one of the new templates to hire positions within that family. 如果您正在招聘,并不确定是否适当的模板已经发布,请联系

To use a job description template:

  1. Open the master list of completed job description templates (U of I login required)
  2. 排序和过滤的标题,工作家族或工作系列,以找到相关的模板
  3. 查看模板及其相关的薪资范围,选择最适合该职位的薪资.
  4. 下载模板并自定义突出显示的部分(通常是分配的职责和首选资格),以帮助您的单位.
  5. 在PeopleAdmin中创建或更新作业(由主管或管理其单位的PeopleAdmin更新的人员完成).

Visit the technical resources page 获取有关访问和导航模板以及在PeopleAdmin上发布职位族职位的详细说明.

After each job family is rolled out, 主管将有一段时间将现有员工迁移过来. HR会与您联系,指导您的流程,并邀请您参加相关培训.

As a job family rolls out:

  1. Attend supervisor training related to the job family
  2. Review the master list of completed job description templates and their associated salary ranges (U of I login required).
  3. 对于每个员工,选择最符合员工职责的模板. Adjust the assigned duties section as necessary.
  4. 更新PeopleAdmin中的工作(由主管或管理其单位的PeopleAdmin更新的人员完成).
  5. 使用HR提供的通知备忘录通知员工他们的工作描述已经更新,任何头衔或市场价格的变化. 如有需要,人力资源部将为贵单位业务办公室提供EPAF说明.
  6. HR will update the employee's target pay page if needed.

Visit the technical resources page 获取有关访问和导航模板以及在PeopleAdmin中更新职位的详细说明.


As each job family is finalized, 人力资源部门会向主管发送电子邮件,通知可能属于新工作类别的职位. 您还将被邀请参加针对工作家庭的培训,以了解更多关于如何迁移员工的知识.

新的工作家庭和培训机会的发布也将在Daily Register上公布.

As each job family is rolled out, 可能加入新家庭的员工的主管将被通知并邀请参加针对工作家庭的培训.

获取和使用职位描述模板,以及在PeopleAdmin中更新职位描述的指南,可在 technical resources page.

You may also contact as needed for assistance.

职位概述和所需的资格要求将在一个工作系列中属于特定工作的所有职位中保持一致. A few job series will have completely standardized templates, 但在大多数情况下,主管可以根据单位的需要调整工作职责和额外的优先资格.

Historically, 我们对员工的工作描述非常详细,每个职位都有具体的要求. 由于新的工作家庭工作将总结几个相似但不完全相同的职位, the overview will more general than some employees are used to, focusing on the primary responsibilities of the position. 具体内容将从职位概述转移到指定职责部分.

Yes. Job families are being rolled out gradually, 因此,每个员工的职位何时受到影响将取决于他们所做的工作类型. But we expect that all staff will eventually be included in the new system.

We are starting the rollout with job families that have the most incumbents. The first six job families, which are being rolled out in spring 2023, include approximately 800 positions.

Employee job duties, 报告线和目前的工资不会因为工作家庭的实施而改变.

虽然随着工作种类的增加,一些职位的市场价格可能会发生变化(上升或下降), 我们预计绝大多数头寸的市场利率将保持不变. 如果您对将员工安置在工作家庭系统中以确保最合适的市场价格有疑问, please reach out to

Even if market rate and target salary go down, their current salary will not. The rollout of job families will not result in pay cuts.

选择最符合该职位当前工作水平的职位描述模板. During initial implementation of job families, existing employees will be grandfathered into the new templates, even if they do not meet the required qualifications. The required qualifications will apply the next time the position is refilled.

每个作业族在完成后将被释放使用,因此没有统一的生效日期. When a job family is published for use, 空缺职位和主管发起的已填补职位的更新将需要它. Existing employees will be moved into job families on a rolling basis. Please refer to the list of job families and adoption timelines for more information.

Please use the feedback form. 所有模板将至少每年审查一次,收集的意见将用于通知修订. 您对编辑、问题或特定领域所需的额外模板的输入将非常感谢.

Human Resources

Physical Address:
415 West 6th Street
Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 4332
Moscow, ID 83844-4332

Summer Hours:
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Academic Year Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-3638

Fax: 208-885-3602

