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Physical Address:

875 Perimeter Drive, MS 1103
莫斯科, ID 83844-1103

Phone: 208-885-6742



网络: Department of 数学ematics and Statistical Science

放置 in Courses

The Department of 数学ematics and Statistical Science has a placement testing program to assist you in choosing your first mathematics or statistics course at the University of Idaho.

On admission to the university, you may register for mathematics or statistics courses depending on your ACT scores, SAT分数, or transfer credits from other colleges.

If you think your course placement is lower than it should be, you can take the ALEKS PPL Assessment at the Testing Center on campus or at another Certified Testing Center, or you can take our in-house 数学 placement test for free in the Polya 数学ematics Learning Center.  联络我们: to sign up for the in-house 数学 placement test.

To determine the appropriate mathematics or statistics course for you, visit our 课程安排 页面.  If you would like advice on correct course placement, speak with your academic advisor or email us at

Advanced 放置 (AP, CLEP, IB)

学生可以赚取 advanced placement credit for Advanced 放置 (AP), College Level Exam Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB) exams that meet minimum score requirements. 检查 Registrar's Office charts to see what course credits you will earn based on AP, CLEP, IB exam scores.

Vertical Credit - Calculus Sequence

You can also receive advanced placement by taking one of the advanced courses in the vertical math sequence 170-175-275-471-472. When you take one of the courses in this sequence as your first college mathematics course, you can request credit for the course you take and all the courses that precede that course in the sequence. 

To be admitted to a course beyond 170, you must present evidence of your readiness to take the course to the Department of 数学ematics and Statistical and receive approval of your proposal. For a more detailed discussion of advanced placement, see 张的监管 in the General Catalog.

Schedule of Courses

Some of our advanced courses are offered in alternate semesters or alternate years. You can view our plan for 课程 on our three year class schedules, which are organized by course subject: mathematics courses, statistics courses, mathematics education courses.


Physical Address:

875 Perimeter Drive, MS 1103
莫斯科, ID 83844-1103

Phone: 208-885-6742



网络: Department of 数学ematics and Statistical Science